Abstract :
The aim of this research is to find out the influence and significant difference
of using animation video for mentally retarded students? vocabulary mastery at SLB
Wiyata Dharma Metro. Animation video is a digital recording of an image, object
and sound that moves across into or out of the screen, animation video also the
rapid display of the sequences images that create an illusion of movement. This
research used pre experimental research. The subjects of this research are the
mentally retarded students at SLB Wiyata Dharma Metro academic year 2021.
There are 5 students at 8 class C or mentally retardation class. The research
instrument used to collect the data in this research is pretest and posttest. The
result of data analysis indicates that the value of gain score obtained (0.76) was
higher than gain score table (0.70). Then, the result of data analysis indicating the
value of t obtained (3.70) was higher than t table (2.77) at the significance level
0.05 and the significance (0.020), and lower than 0.05. It can be concluded that
there are influence and significant difference of using Animation Video in students?
vocabulary mastery.