Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of clustering
technique on students? writing skill of descriptive text for the eleventh grade
students? of Senior High School 1 Sekampung. This study is categorized as an
experimental research. Besides, this study included in quantitative research,
because the researcher used some numerical data which is analyzed statistically.
The sample of this research was the students of XI IPS 3 as the experimental
class, whereas students of XI IPS 5 as a control class. Those are 33 students as
the experimental class, and 29 students as the control class.
The instrument used in this research was a written test on pre-test and
post-test. The data was served by numerical and tested by the statistical formula
of the t-test. Result of the data analysis indicates that the value of t obtained
(10.082) was higher than that of t table (2.03) at the significance level 0.05 and
the significance (0.000) was lower than 0.05. It indicates that students? writing
ability in writing descriptive texts taught using clustering technique is better than
that of without using clustering technique.