Abstract :
Animation has many benefits such as clearer and attractive learning, the
learning process is more efficient, effective because students can repeat it as
needed, can improve the quality of learning outcomes, and can overcome the
limitations of space and time between teachers and student. Animation also can
give the impression of depth that can affect students' attitudes.
This study of learning media in the form of animated videos will be very
helpful for teachers and students as an attractive learning media and make it
easier for students to learn and understand English subjects, especially in
speaking skill on descriptive text material. The type of this research are research
and development (R&D). The models of this research are ADDIE model. There
are five steps in ADDIE model; analysis, design, development, implementation,
and evaluation. Assessment on video animation by media experts and material
experts gets a percentage 79% and 82%. Students and teachers gave a positive
assessment that is 82% and 96%, each assessment was in the very good
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that video
animation can be used as an attractive learning media for students. Besides
being able to reduce student dependence on teachers, the video animation
created can also make it easier for students to learn independently. Suggestion
for use the researchers must understand more about a better voice recorder so
that a clearer sound is obtained. Advanced product development adding some
supporting characters so that the animation is more interesting.