Abstract :
Voluntary Turnover Intention can be defined as a decision of the employees to leave their job voluntarily. At PT. Doosan Sinar Sukabumi, Sukabumi regency, the voluntary turnover intention of the employees was in low criteria. The research was aimed at determining the influence of occupational stress towards employees? voluntary turnover intention. The technique of analyzing data applied was commenced from Path Analysis by means of SPSS 24 Software, and for testing hypothesis partial (t test) and simultaneous (f test) statistic test were applied.
Based on the result of the research, the multiple correlation coefficient between occupational stress through role conflict dimension, unclear role and overrated workload towards voluntary turnover intention is amounted to 0.509, located at strong enough relation rate. It can be interpreted that the amount of the influence of occupation stress towards voluntary turnover intention of the employees at PT. Doosan Sinar Sukabumi altogether is 0.259 or namely 25.9%, while the remaining 0.741 or namely 74.1% is influenced by other factors excluded from the research. Thus, the result of t test (partial) shows that occupational stress through Role Conflict dimension gives positive and not significant influence toward Voluntary Turnover Intention, Unclear Role gives positive and significant influence towards Voluntary Turnover Intention, Overrated Workload gives positive and significant influence towards Voluntary Turnover Intention. From the results above, it can be seen that simultaneously occupational stress influences positively towards employees? voluntary turnover intention at PT. Doosan Sinar Sukabumi, Sukabumi regency.