Abstract :
Effectiveness is defined as a goal achieved correctly and a measurement of success in achieving a goal. The problem identified at PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. was decrement of net margin and fluctuating sales rate. The research was aimed at finding out Du Pont System model in analyzing operation effectiveness in gaining margin at PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk.
The research deployed guantitative-descriptive analysis technigue in order to describe the measurement of effectiveness conducted by the company following to implementing calculation by using numbers which had been inserted to componenis or formulation within Du Pont System, namely Net Profit Margin, Return On Invesiment, Total Asses Turnover. The testing test was conducted by comparing the result of calculation of Du Pont System to industry average.
The results of this research show that for the five-year period of 2013 to 2017 it can be concluded that the effectiveness of the company PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. calculated by the Du Pont System model for five years, it was considered to be poor with a Return on Investment value of 0.8% and below the automotive industry standard of 4.2% and producing bad criteria.