Abstract :
The research was aimed at analyzing the influence of food quality and perceived value toward customer satisfaction. The research methods applied were descriptive and associative. The techniques of collecting data applied were observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and literature review. The techniques of analyzing data applied commenced from preparation, tabulation to test phase by means of multiple correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, multiple linear regression and simultaneous hypothesis test (test F).
Based on the research result, the determination coefficient test observed from the value (R2) is amounted to 0,399 meaning that the influence of food quality and perceived value toward customer satisfaction, amounted to 39,9% and the 60,1% leftover is influenced by other factors excluded from the research. According to multiple correlation coefficient test observed from the value (R) is amounted to 0,632, it shows that there is strong relation between food quality (X1) and perceived value (X2) toward customer satisfaction (Y). based on the result of calculating the F test, it show that F count > F table, namely 32,238 > 2,36 so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, it means that both food quality (X1) and perceived value (X2) significantly influence customer satisfaction (Y). The test t shows that food quality (X1) significantly influence customer satisfaction (Y) and perceived value (X2) significantly influence customer satisfaction (Y).