Abstract :
This study aims to determine how students' critical thinking skills after using generative learning models in science learning material on global warming. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a sample of 2 classes taken from class VII SMP in one of the cities of Sukabumi. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. The research design used in this study was Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The instruments used in this study are critical thinking questions in the form of 15 multiple choice tests, each of which has been declared valid and reliable. Based on the prerequisite test, it is known that the results of the research data are normally distributed and the two classes have the same variance (homogeneous). From the data analysis it is known that the average value of the posttest of the experimental class students with the generative learning model is 84.50 and the average value of the posttest of the control class students using the Direct Instruction model is 62.19. There are significant differences so that student learning outcomes as evidenced by the results of the Z-test obtained by Zhitung> Ztable (3.72> 1.96) so that this study rejects H0 and accepts H1. Thus, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the critical thinking skills of students between the experimental classes using generative learning models and control classes that use Direct Instruction learning models so that there is an influence of generative learning models on students' critical thinking abilities.