Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the STEM-based Project learning model on students' creative thinking abilities. The research method used was a quasi-experimental design with Nonequivalent Pretest Posttest Control Group. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Cikidang with the study population being class X. Using creative thinking ability test instruments, student response questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling. The results showed that the experimental class N-gain value was 0.71 higher than the control class of 0.47. The z test results show that the data produce was in accordance with the criteria namely Zhitung = 8, 91> Ztable = 1,998, meaning that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. The responses of students to the learning model of the STEM-based Project provide positive responses to the application of learning activities.