Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Agustina Alfitri, Putri Armania
L Education (General)
2019-11-07 02:50:39
Abstract :
Development of mathematics learning media based on android about 21st Century Skill of Junior High School students. The design of this research was the development of research (research and development). The research was done in seven stages. These are potential and problem, accumulate the data, product design, validation design, revision design, experiment, and revision product. From the results of the data analysis of media experts are 4.04 with good categories and expert materials are 4.20 with very good categories. The practicality of mathematic learning media based on android was measured by teacher response questionnaires and student responses questionnaires. The teacher's calculation results obtained 91.11 with very practical categories and students' responses with an average of 86.77 in a very practical category. Furthermore, the effectiveness of mathematics learning media is seen from the calculation of the results of critical thinking skill tests and questionnaires on the skill to use ICT. The results of the test of mathematical critical thinking skill of students showed a change before and after using learning media, where the results of N-Gain showed a high category with a score of 77.84. Besides that, the results of the ICT use skill questionnaire calculation state the results with an average of 84.84 with a high category, so that the mathematic learning media based on android are effectively used.