Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Putri Prilla, Chikita Celine
L Education (General)
2019-11-08 02:52:22
Abstract :
This research is a qualitative research which aims to 1) describe the building blocks of the poem "the Prayer of the Servant of the Lara", "My Door to You", and "Resign", which is a collection of M. Saidati's Handfuls of Love for Maha Cinta. 2) Using the results of the analysis of the poem "The Prayer of the Serious Servant", "My Door to You", and "Resignation, which is contained in the Collection of Poems of Love for the Sang Maha Cinta by M. Saidati as an Indonesian language learning material in class VIII of SMP Negeri 13 Sukabumi City. To achieve these objectives the author uses descriptive analysis research methods. Then the data collection techniques used by the author in the form of 1) Observation, 2) Documentation, and 3) Questionnaire (questionnaire). In the analysis technique the writer uses poetry building elements to facilitate the reader in capturing the meaning and understanding of the poem. The results of the analysis can be used as learning material in class VIII Sukabumi City Middle School 13 by still referring to the curriculum and syllabus applied, because students' responses to poetry and analysis of poetry building elements are positive. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis carried out by 34 students with the acquisition of a total score of 2700 and an average value of 79.41, which refers to the principle of selection of teaching materials and aspects of the selection of instructional materials, namely principle of relevance, consistency, and sufficiency, also aspects of language and psychological aspects. Then after analyzing the poetry builder elements students can find out some aspects that must be found when analyzing the poetry builder elements, including diction, images, rhymes, themes, and mandates.