Abstract :
This study has the aim to know if there any influence from interactive learning media in the form of Adobe Flash, towards students? abilities in Seuksasart Islam School at southern Thailand, in writing fantasy stories. As for the aspects assessed from the students paper includes content, organization and their writing skill. The subject that taken for this study consisted of only one class, it is the X-2 class. The instruments used in this study consisted of tests, documentation and observation sheets. Based on the results of data analysis that has been done, can be seen that, the ability to write stories of X-2 class students in Seuksasart Islam School it?s not really good, if you look at the results of their pretest. After the treatment was given in the form of learning with interactive media, and then their writing skills were tested again. As you can see an increase in the value of their posttest results. But despite the increase, the value obtained is still not satisfactory. After testing the significance, it can be seen that the increase is not significant. So it can be concluded that the use of the media is not influential enough. The most frequent increase lies in aspects of title selection, insertion of mandates, and elements of fantasy story. While in the structure and writing section there seems to be not much improvement.