Abstract :
This study aims to find out how students read skills after using the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) approach. Based on the results of observations in SMK 3 in Sukabumi City, there are students who still have low ability to think about the ability to capture the results of reading. Therefore the HOTS approach is a solution to overcome this problem. The type of research used is quantitative with pre experimental design research and the one group pretest-posttest model. The research population in class X of State Vocational High School 3 in Sukabumi City with the research sample used was purposive sampling and the class that was used as the study sample, namely X Jasa Boga I. The instruments in this study used HOTS Indonesian multiple choice questions as many as 20 items along with reasons. Based on the normality and homogeneity prerequisite test that the research data is abnormally distributed and both classes have homogeneous variances. It is known that the distribution of prates data analysis results in Mean 56.17 while the post-test after being given a stimulus or treatment with the HOTS approach results in Mean 72.06, then there is an increase in post-test learning outcomes after stimulus by applying the HOTS approach to learning. There are significant differences in student learning outcomes, as evidenced in the t-test obtained by tcount> ttable (13.69> 2.042) and the Wilcoxon Sign rank test which produces a value (asym.sig. (2-tailed)) is 0.000 <0.05 then the hypothesis H0 rejected and H1 accepted. It can be concluded that there is an effect of learning outcomes on students 'thinking skills during learning using the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) approach to students' reading skills.