Abstract :
The purpose of this Research to describe the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model to improve the scientific responsibility of higher grade classes on science subjects. The design of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) developed by Kemmis & Mc Taggart. This research was conducted in II cycles, each cycle consisting of plans (project determination and planning steps), actions (arranging a schedule), observations (project completion and testing results) and reflection (Evaluating Experiences). The subjects of research are 24 IV-A grade Students SD IT AL Khoiriyah Al Husna Sukabumi, 2018/2019 academic years. Data collected by non-test techniques (interviews, students scientific responsibility observation sheets and Field Notes) and documentation of research activities. Data analysis technique using descriptive qualitative. The results showed the activity of educators in the first cycle, obtained an average of 79 in the good category and in the second cycle obtained an average of 96 in the excellent category. While the activities of students in the first cycle obtained an average of 77 good categories and in the second cycle an average of 93 excellent categories. As for scientific responsibility students in the pre-cycle of action obtained an average of 68% through the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model with a fairly good category, then increased to 79% in the first cycle of the good category, then again increased to 93% in the second cycle with a excellent category. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model can improve the scientific responsibility of students in higher grade classes.