Abstract :
This Final Project Report was prepared by Avila Ramadhaneta Putri with Student Registration Number 1641211014, with the title "Procedure for Receiving Restaurant Taxes at the Regional Financial Management Agency of Sukabumi City" with the guidance of Mrs. Hj. Eris Darsawati, MM and Ms. Risma Nurmilah, M.Si. This final project report is prepared based on the results of research conducted by the author at the Office of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Sukabumi City.
The purpose of this research was to find out the procedure for restaurant tax receipts at the Regional Financial Management Agency of the City of Sukabumi, to find out what obstacles were faced in implementing restaurant tax receipts, and to find out what efforts were made in implementing restaurant tax receipts.
The research method used by the author in this final report is the descriptive method. Descriptive research method is a method of research which are conducted to determine the value of independent variables, either one variable or more without making comparisons, or connecting with other variables. Function describes or gives an overview of the object under study. And by using techniques of data collection in the form of interviews and literature studies.
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that in the Procedure for Accepting Restaurant Taxes at the Regional Financial Management Agency in the City of Sukabumi is in accordance with the applicable local government regulations. As for the implementation of its acceptance there are still some obstacles faced both from the Regional Financial Management Agency of the City of Sukabumi and from the Taxpayer.