Abstract :
This final report waas compiled by desti Risnawati with university student identification number 1641211023, entited ?Review Of Parking Tax Imposition In Sukabumi City? this report is prepared based on the results of research conducted at the financial management body in the sukabumi city area. This final assignment report is prepared as one of the conditions for taking the final DIII tax examination session at muhammadiyah sukabumi univercity.
This research was conducted at the sukabumi city regional financial management agency (BPKD) using a descriptive method, while the purpose of this study was to be able to find out the parking tax receipt procedure in sukabumi city and to determine the predetermined rise and fall of the realization targets. The fall in the targets in 2014 was due to the lack of inventory of parking lots and awareness of taxpayers to report and pay their obligation as taxpayers.
Regional tax is a tax whose collection authority is in the regional government whose implementation is carried out by the regional revenue service while the central tax is regulated by law and the results will be included in the regional income and expenditure budget. While parking tax is a tax on the implementation of parking lots outside the roud body.
The results of this final project report, namely the BPKD in the city of sukabumi conducted counseling and outreach to the public to understand and be aware of their obligation to report parking taxes and for taxpayers who are late to pay will get sanctions in the from of fines 2% of month.