Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Kusumo Putra, Mohammad Dimas Pamungkas
HB Economic Theory
2019-12-17 04:02:12
Abstract :
The final report is arranged by Mohammad Dimas Pamungkas Kusumo Putra with students parent number 1641211021 with the tittle of ?The Procedure for Submitting Tax Allowance in Accordance With Governebt Regulations Number 1 year 2007? the report is prepared based on the result of research cobducted by the writer in the tax consultant office PT. DIMENSI INTERNASIONAL (DDTC) from divisi tax research and training services in north Jakarta in east boulevard street Blox XC 5-6 No B Kelapa Gading North Jakarta 1420-Indonesia. the study was conducted for 3 months from March 4th 2019 until may 31 th 2019. The purpose of preparing this final project report is to find out the procedur for submitting tax allowance in accordance with government regulations number 1 year 2007 and the comparision of the latest government regulation number 18 year 2015. The preparation of this final project uses the method of qualitative with descriptive approach.
The result of this study show that in the latest show that in the latest regulation the government, the government added a number of certains business activites. The provision of tax incentive facilities to tax payers wh carry out certain regions is believed to facilitate business people in carrying out their business activies and accelerated amortization. Tax allowances are also believed to be able to increase income from the tax and investment sectors and reduce unemployment with increasing employment. Of course this is able to have a good impact on Indonesia, even though the applicants are only up to 5 years, the government is also expected to pay attention to a number of things that will later be affected after the implementation of this tax allowance. With this, it is believed to be able to stimulate income from the tax revenue sector and increase the tax ratio as a reference for tax compliance in Indonesia.