Abstract :
The report on this final task was compiled by nurul fazrin with the student number 1641211006, which is entitled "a registration ban procedure to avoid a progressive tax in uptd management center for the sukabumi area"The report was compiled based on research by a writer at uptd's management center in the regional capital of sukabumi
The author background took the title above as to describe and to socialized the public about how the procedure of pemblokiran STNK, the description of which itself is compulsory tax which has motor vehicles, as it has a certain tax sold, doing a move hands vehicle went missing due to the CURANMOR (motor vehicle theft), which the car theft is, Then the owners of the vehicle had to quickly do blokiran to be rid of the high tax.
The method the writer used in research is a descriptive method. Descriptive research is one type of research that aims to describe or describe the data gathered as they are without meaning to make conclusions that apply to general or generalization.
The result from the research is that the taxpayers who want to make a block are sold, moved or lost, so the taxpayers can block it, to do the blocking, to do the blocking can be done by 3 (three) means by manual by means of a tax conscription to the DMV office, online using the SAMBARA mobile samsat application, And the registration ban due to the curanmor should have a missing persons and BAP report from the police.