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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Fauzi, Akhdan N.
T Technology (General) 
2019-12-18 02:23:41 
Abstract :
Service is the process of fulfilling needs through the activities of others directly or indirectly. Whereas, the understanding of service in the General Dictionary of Indonesian Language is to help provide everything that is needed by others such as guests or buyers. The website has become the most important and easy to access information provider media, one of which is a service system. Every institution, company agency, government and education definitely needs a system in which usually can help people carry out their work activities so that they are more organized and directed with a more efficient time. The Student Representative Council (DPM) of the University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI) is an institution within the campus whose system is the same as the system in Indonesia, such as the DPRD or DPR-RI. The function is also the same, but in the scope of the campus the application uses Student Government, namely "for students, for students, by students", and the object of students. Waterfall is a thing that describes a systematic and sequential approach to a software development. The stages with the specifications of user needs then continue through the stages of planning, namely planning, modeling, construction, a system and submission of the user's system, support for the complete software produced. In addition, waterfall analysis can be used to provide services to solve problems that exist in the UMMI environment. And the prototype method is very superior in simplifying and accelerating system design. In the process of designing the system using the object approach using UML (Unified Modeling Language). This application is made using the PHP programming language. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi