Abstract :
Arduino uno-r3-based thesis-based storage and retrieval modeling tools are made to provide a description of a small-scale tool that can carry out thesis-storing and retrieval activities in the Library of the University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. This modeling uses an arduino uno r3 microcontroller as a tool controller, 3 stepper motors as a tool driver that will carry out the activity of taking and storing a thesis with each stepper motor moving differently (right-left, back and forth, top-bottom) that moves based on an Input data on the application. A web-based application is also designed to be used as a user interface on a tool. In the test that the author did to make the movement with a distance of 1cm, the stepper motor (with the help of 2 timing belt pulleys with a diameter of 2cm) must do a rotation ratio of 500 which means the stepper motor will rotate to 87.89o. This tool has been tested by officers in storing thesis 4 times and also visitors do thesis retrieval activities 4 times in stages so that the results of the tool's success are 100%