Abstract :
The news portal application at the Informatics Engineering Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI) has an important role in providing information about lecture activities, news of student and lecturer activities, announcements of activities or job openings for alumni, learning media for students, and many other useful information for students and prospective students who are looking for higher education as a promotional media. The process of disseminating news that includes activities covering, recording, gathering, writing and broadcasting is carried out by a responsible admin. This application serves to provide convenience in the process of managing, sending and reading news for the UMMI academic community. In the process of publishing the news in this application assisted by lecturers and students. This web-based website and android application portal application is able to provide accurate, reliable and fast information through information technology to the wider community and can invite the participation of students to participate in the delivery of actual news. The method for developing the application uses the waterfall or waterfall method. In the system design process using the object approach using UML (Unified Modeling Language). This application is made using the PHP and java programming languages.