Abstract :
Marketing and Logistics Management System at CV. ASIA PRIMA Kota Sukabumi Website Based is an online order system that is produced through research and observation that is done at CV. ASIA PRIMA by analyzing the system, data and needs of the entity or user. The research method used in this study uses the Waterfall method. An online order system created to facilitate purchases from stores ordered by the sales and proceed to the admin then to the logistics to send goods and to inform the stock of goods inputted by logistics so that salespeople can find out the stock, while at the same time simplifying sales make sales or order transactions online to stores outside the city and streamline delivery of sales order reports and stock reports from sales and logistics to the admin. In the process of marketing and logistics management systems in CV. ASIA PRIMA, Sukabumi City Based on this website using structured design such as DFD (Data Flow Diagram), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), table relationships and integrated with MySQL databases and then implemented into language PHP and JavaScript programming. The results of the Marketing and Logistics Management System at CV. ASIA PRIMA, Sukabumi City Based on this website, address the role of computer systems in the field of information which is very important as a support in improving the quality of ordering activities in the corporate environment. So that it can streamline the time for sales to make sales, admin to recap data, and logistics to more quickly send goods to stores that order goods.