Abstract :
School is one form of organization in which there are teaching and learning activities which are under the responsibility of a school principal. In terms of monitoring the activities of students at SDN Nyomplong, Sukabumi City is still simple, allowing errors in processing academic data. All activities that take place at school cannot be monitored as a whole without the existence of a proper organization. For that, organizing with database design can answer all questions that arise. From the problems above, an academic information system was made at the SDN Nyomplong, Sukabumi City, with academic information covering the presentation of new student lists, student data, teachers, subject data, lesson schedule data and student final grade data. This Academic Information System site uses the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method and UML (Unified Modeling Language) tools by using diagrams including use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams up to the test stage using blackbox testing which is tested for operators , students, teachers and school principals. The programming languages used are PHP and MySQL as the database. From this study produced an academic information system site that serves to facilitate the processing of academic data and improve efficiency and effectiveness in teaching and learning activities, so that work previously done conventionally can be more easily and computerized properly.