Abstract :
University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi Campus (UMMI). UMMI is one of the private universities in Sukabumi which require students to be active in the activities of lectures and organizations on campus, but in the provision of facilities and infrastructure of students have a constraint in terms of borrowing for example such as the room for the schedule of changing lectures, or vehicles for the activities of the campus organization to support the activities of the work program that lasts or does not occur. The management of the room is the head of General section is one of the work units that cater to academic students one of them lending facilities and infrastructure of lending flows still with the manual by meeting the provision of the room to Approval. This has caused students to spend longer to purple the approval of Ka. General Bag. The purpose of the research is to build WEB-based facilities and infrastructure lending application at Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi. The results of this research show that the application is capable of being a system that can help students and Ka. Bag general in lending quickly, effectively and informative.