Abstract :
The site is a series or a number of pages on the internet that have topics that are interrelated to present information. The site is a miniature and representation of individuals, institutions, organizations or companies concerned. Agriculture in the narrow sense is a farming activity, while deep agriculture is the broad meaning of all human activities which include farming, fisheries, livestock and forestry activities. Agriculture is a source of livelihood for the people of Indonesia. The need for food, clothing, and shelter is still a basic requirement that must always be in the top rank in terms of demand for the needs of the community. This research is an object oriented methodology that is by using Unifield Modeling language (UML) modeling which is 'language' for visualization, specifications, construction, and documentation. In the framework of visualization, developers use UML as a way to communicate their ideas to programmers and potential system / software users. The stages of the research carried out are using the waterfall method, namely research that intends to make a description (description) of situations or events. Researchers using descriptive provide an overview, detail and analyze data. Descriptive research is a research method that is used to find the widest knowledge of the object of research at any given time. System testing authors use system testing methods using blackbox testing, black-box testing testing focuses on testing the functional requirements of software, to get a series of input conditions that are in accordance with the functional requirements of a program.