Abstract :
If the employees have fell discomfort with their jobs, so they are problem within themselves and will give impact on the decrement of result of company?s goal. It means that such matter can generate factors in the employees? working culture. Therefore, the research was aimed at determining employee?s working culture and the amount of the influence of working culture?s factors directly and indirectly.
The objects of the research were Innovation (X1), Responsibility (X2), Result-Oriented (X3), Knowledge (X4), Learning Process (X5), Motivation (X6), and Employee Working Culture (Y). The research methods applied were descriptive and associative which question the relation between two or more variables without comparing to independent variable, yet seeing whether there was any influence among variables in the research and how far the influence was.
The techniques of analyzing data applied were commenced from preparing data, tabulating data, to testing phase by means of path analysis in order to measure direct and indirect influence among variables.
Based on the result of the research, the amount of direct and indirect influence of variables; innovation, responsibility, result-oriented, knowledge, learning process, and motivation altogether has determination coefficient ratio amounted to 0.185 or namely 18.5% and the remaining which is amounted to 0.851 or 81.5% is not calculated by the researcher. Meanwhile, Fcount is amounted to 3.756, so that it can be concluded that Fcount is higher than Ftable which is namely 3.756 > 2.191. Such variables give positive and significant influence.