Abstract :
The research was aimed at determining the influence of kaizen culture and reward toward employee performance. The research methods applied were descriptive and associative. The techniques of collecting data applied were observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and literature review. The techniques of analyzing data were commenced from preparing data, tabulating data, to testing phase by means of multiple correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, multiple linear regression, and simultaneous hypothesis test (F test).
Based on the result of the research, the determination coefficient test observed from the value of (R2) is amounted to 0.325 which means that the influence of kaizen culture and reward toward employee performance is aggregated to 32.5%, while the remaining 67.5% is influenced by other factors out of the research. Thus, according to multiple correlation coefficient test observed from the value of R, the result is amounted to 0.570 showing that there is average relation between kaizen culture (X1) and reward (X2) with employee performance. The calculation of F test shows that F count > F table which namely is 10.608 > 3.21 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, indicating that kaizen culture (X1) and reward (X2) give significant influence toward employee performance (Y) altogether.