Abstract :
BMT IBAADURRAHMAN Cooperation sharia-based finance institution with profit sharing system and without applying interest on all transactions. The research was triggered by the problem identified in terms of decreasing Employee Performance.
Research methods applied in the research were descriptive and associative. The techniques of collecting data deployed were observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation and literature review. The techniques of analyzing data applied were commenced from preparing data, tabulating data to testing phase.
Based on the data acquired from the results of analysis, it shows that the relation of variable Reward toward Employee Performance is amounted to 0.006, meanwhile the influence of Punishment toward Employee Performance is amounted to 0.364. Thus, the amount of influence of Reward and Punishment toward Employee Performance is amounted to 0.361201, while the influence caused by other factors excluded from the research is aggregated to 64%.
The calculation result of F count > F table is namely 10.183 > 3.26 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that there is significant influence between Reward and Punishment toward Employee Performance.