Abstract :
C'Kopi Gaud is one of coffee shops located in the center of Sukabumi city. The problem identified was buying decision process. The research was aimed at determining the influence of life style and store atmosphere in the buying decision process. The research methods applied were descriptive and associative. The analysis technique applied was multiple linear regression and simultaneous test (f test) and parcial test (t test) was aplied for hypothesis test. Sampling was conducted by applying purposive sampling technique and by spreading out questionnaires to 100 consumers. Based on the result of the research, the determination coefficient test observed from (R) value is amounted to 0.725 which means that the influence of life style (X1) and store atmosphere (X2) in the buying decision process (Y) is aggregated to 52% and the remaining 48% is influenced by othet factors unexplained in the research. According to F test the profitability ratio is amounted to sig 53.693> 2.63 which means that life style (X1) and store atmosphere (X2) give positive and significant influence in the buying decision process (Y) altogether.