Abstract :
The research was aimed at determining the influence of website design quality and Instagram in improving buying decision at the products of Bolu Amor Sukabumi. The research methods applied were descriptive and associative. The technique of analyzing data applied was multiple linear regression by using SPSS 24 software, and partial (t test) and simultaneous (f test) statistic tests were applied for testing hypothesis.
Based on the result of the research, the correlation coefficient between website design and Instagram is amounted to 0.988 or 97.6%, while the remaining 2.4% is influenced by other factors not explained in the research. The result of calculation of Hypothesis Test is F count > F table which namely is 4721.582 > 3.04 so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Thus, partial Hypothesis Test shows that the influence of website design (X1) towards buying decision (Y) is amounted to 1.117 < 1.65 so that H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted and website design (X1) does not influence significantly towards buying decision (Y). Meanwhile, Instagram (X2) has the amount of 23.140 > 1.65 so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Therefore, the variable that influence dominantly toward buying decision in the research is social media: Instagram.