Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Aziz, Muhammad Abdussalam
R Medicine (General)
2021-08-09 02:55:04
Abstract :
From the report on SP3 data in 2018, the health office of the city of Sukabumi, non-specific acute respiratory infections was ranked number 1 out of the 25 largest diseases in the city of Sukabumi with many as 73,455 sufferers. The data is taken from the total number of health centers in the city of Sukabumi. The purpose of writing this paper is so that the authors get real experience in giving direct and comprehensive ongoing nursing care and partnerships covering bio-psycho-social and spiritual aspects with the nursing process approach. The method used is descriptive method with data collection techniques including interviews, observation, physical examination, study documentation and literature study. At the stage of assessment of the diagnosis found in Ny.R is ineffective airway clearance and changes in nutrition less than needed. Interventions are prepared with the aim that families can get to know about balanced nutrition and demonstrate the inhalation of warm water vapor. Implementation is tailored to planning and client problems where implementation is more focused on health education. The evaluation results show that the airway cleaning problem is ineffective and changes in nutrition that are less than the client's body needs are resolved after 4 home visits. The author recommends to families to maintain knowledge