Abstract :
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010, in 23 countries showed the birth rate of Sectio Caesarea without medical indications ranged from 0,01 ? 2,10%, data from Riskesdas in 2018 showed that births with Sectio Caesarea method were 9,8% of the total 49,603 births, in the RSUD Sekarwangi Sukabumi Regency from November 2018 ? January 2019 there were 250 delivery patient, many indications including sectio caesarea post with indications ofe breech location in the Cut Nyak Dien room there were 18 patient. Sectio caesarea is surgery to give birth to a fetus with a fetus by opening the abdominal wall and uterine or vaginal wall or a hysterostomy to give birth to a fetus from the uterus, whereas Breech Layout is where the fetus is located extensively with the head in the uterine fundus and buttocks at the bottom of the uterine cavity. The purpose of this paper is to get real experience in providing nursing care directly to clients post sectio caesarea with a comprehensive indication of breech location with a nursing process approach. This writing method uses descriptive methods. According to the theory, breech is caused by uterine or placental deformaties located in the uterine fundus corn region. The actual diagnosis found in Ny.S is acute pain, risk of infection, activity intolerance, and self-care deficit. After treatment for 3 days, the above problems can be overcome with the results of the final evaluation of pain reduced, dry surgery wounds, able to carry out activities independently, able to do personal hygiene independently.