Abstract :
Writing this scientific paper in the background by data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Indonesia is the fourth largest in the number of people with diabetes mellitus in the world. In 2010 the number of DM patients in Indonesia reached 14 million people, and 30% of them carried out routine treatment. The number of sufferers due to diabetes mellitus which ranks third in the HM. Muraz Room is the highest disease, however, diabetes mellitus is not a disease that can be underestimated because there are various effects on DM including: impaired vision, heart problems and kidney disorders. Someone with DM still has a mismatch that causes clients to need support, encouragement and motivation. This makes the writer interested in writing papers on Diabetes Melitus. The purpose of this paper is to obtain a real experience comprehensively which includes bio-psycho-socio and spiritual aspects according to the nursing process approach. DM is a collection of symptoms that arise in a person caused by an increase in blood glucose levels due to lack of insulin both absolute and relative. From the results of the study on Ny.N nursing problems that arise are: changes in nutrition from body needs, activity intolerance, lack of knowledge. The author carries out nursing care for 4 days from March 6-9 2019. The conclusion of this scientific paper on diabetes mellitus in carrying out the nursing process and direct and comprehensive nursing care is very important. Suggestions for room nurses should increase therapeutic communication to clients, For families can provide support and motivate clients in hospital care so that helps in healing clients and strength to clients.