Abstract :
Background behind constituent work writing scientific is based because of the high number of pain fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever in Space Aisha In Hospital Sekarwangi the month September 2018 until February 2019 that as many as 64 inhabitants . Based on the data the authors keen to lift the Tn.G with Fever Dengue Dengue, and do care nursing through approach to the process of keperaw a tan with methods of descriptive and use techniques of collecting the data include interviews , observation , examination of the physical , and the study of literature . Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an acute fever caused by dengue virus infection with the main symptoms of fever , muscle and joint pain . According to the theory ( Saferi & Mariza , 2013) in the case of fever Dengue Hemorrhagic are diagnoses nursing anatara other risks disruption of balance of fluid and electrolytes , changes in nutrition less than needs , changes in perfusion of tissue, Risk occurs bleeding, lack of volume of fluid, lack of knowledge about the disease . While the results of the assessment on Mr. G obtained nursing diagnoses, among others, the risk of disruption of fluid and electolite balance , changes in nutrition less than the needs of the body, lack of knowledge about the disease, patient care . Nursing planning is arranged based on theoretical reviews and adapted to the situation in the field . Implementation customized with planning , problems and needs of the case it is found the gap between the theory and the problem of nursing at Tn.G , the problem of nursing that does not appear , namely : changes in perfusion of tissue , and risk occurs bleeding . Recommendations are shown so that nurses can provide complete information to families regarding Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.