Abstract :
The use of the components of the structure for building has tremendous value, according to Regulation kepmendagri No. 332 year 2002 estimated structural component of approximately 70% of the value of the building itself. One of the focus that should be noted in the work of constuction is a calculation field needs where the implementer must calculate the required material needs must be efficient, effective and teat in order.One is to calculate the needs pembesian to the job structure. In calculating the iron needs in order to quickly and efficiently by using the iron method needs to calculate the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) because in his prior research has done research on the method of BBS the results of that calculation of iron needs using this method can more quickly, efficiently and accurately. This research tries to evaluate the material needs and cost calculation method using BBS on three (3) projects that are located in the town of Sukabumi, from the results of the research results obtained by the difference in calculation of material requirements and costs as much as iron 2513, 93Kg and Rp. 31.313.820 these results were obtained from the difference between the more calculations obtained from a calculation field.