PENGARUH PENGELOLAAN ALOKASI DANA DESA (ADD) DAN KEBIJAKAN DESA TERHADAP PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTUKTUR DESA (Studi kasus pada Desa Jagamukti dan Desa Gunungsungging, Kecamatan Surade, Kabupaten Sukabumi)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Ismaya, Gunawan
HB Economic Theory 
2020-05-04 04:53:24 
Abstract :
Gunawa Ismaya (1530611073) Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi. Effect of Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) and Village Policy on Village Infrastructure Development in Jagamukti Village and Gunungsungging Village Surade District, Sukabumi Regency (Supervisor Gatot Wahyu Nugroho, M, Ak., CA and Idang Nurodin, S.Ip., M.M). This study aims to determine the Effect of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) and Village Policy on Village Infrastructure Development. Data obtained in the form of primary data through a list of questions or questionnaires, and secondary data, namely data obtained from the government of Jagamukti Village and Gunungsungging Village. This study uses an associative quantitative approach. The population in this study were village heads, staff / village officials, BPD chairpersons and BPD members who represented the community in 2 Surade District Villages, Sukabumi district. The sampling technique used in this study was nonprobability sampling with a saturated sampling technique. The test results using SPSS 24 For Windows, partially showed that Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) was positive and significant towards Village Infrastructure Development and Village Policy positive and significant effect on Village Infrastructure Development Test results simultaneously showed that Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) and Village Policy jointly influences the Village Infrastructure Development. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi