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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Nurohmah, Fitri
HF Commerce 
2021-04-21 02:18:52 
Abstract :
Fitri Nurohmah (1530621016) Muhammadiyah University, Sukabumi. Analysis of Accounts Receivable Accounting information systems at Bank Mayora KCP Cibadak Sukabumi. (Advisor Gatot Wahyu Nugroho, M.AK., CA and Elan Eriswanto, S.E., M.M). The purpose of this study was to determine the accounts receivable accounting information system carried out by PT. Bank Mayora KCP Cibadak Sukabumi. The methodology used in this research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data and data collected through observation, interviews and documentation, and literature study data analysis methodology used is analysis before the field and analysis during and after the field by means of data reduction, data display (data presentation ) as well as drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this study indicate, Bank Mayora's policy that can provide credit to debtors with collateral in the form of a place of business that has not yet become a debtor makes it easier for entrepreneurs or traders who want to have a place of business by way of credit. Daily cash pick-up is very effective in helping to reduce the risk of late payment of debtor installments. The e-collecotion facility is very efficient in helping the billing process both for debtors who can easily conduct transactions, as well as for collectors who make it easier and speed up the work, as well as for banks that can help reduce fraud actions committed by employees. Accounts receivable accounting information system at Mayora Bank is only applied in the billing section. Related parts are collectors. The credit application process starts from the prospective debtor, chooses the type of place of business, prepares all the necessary documents and makes a credit agreement to have the place of business with credit payment. Bank Mayora has no risk in carrying out its credit, because the bank enters into a cooperation agreement with the developer and the developer is fully responsible for the credit risk carried out by Bank Mayora. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi