Abstract :
Rima Hasyanah.2010. Characteristics of the farmer seed users of rice varieties Ciherang in the district Baros Sukabumi city. Under supervision by Ema Hilma Meilani and Endang Tri Astutiningsih.
Population growth in Indonesia continues to increase and represents a serious challenge for the agricultural sector, because with the population, the demand will increase in quantity, quality and diversity, especially rice. Contribution towards increasing the use of high yielding varieteis of rice production has proved to be significant through the successfull achievement of self-sufficiency in rice in 1984 (nugraha and sayaka, 2004 in fahmi, 2008). One of the variety of superior worthy of use is Ciherang in some places baros still use Ciherang rice seed varieties.
Problems discussed in this research are how the characteristic of users of rice seed varieties farmers in the district Ciherang baros and how the behavior of farmers against rice seed varieties Ciherang. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the characteristics of farmers who use Ciherang rice seed varieties and farmers? behavior on rice seed varieties Ciherang.
This research is research qualitative using a survey method that is doing field research with the object oh the research trend of paddy seed varieties farmers choose Ciherang, unit of analysis used are farmers in the district baros some 33 people who conduct business activities Ciherang rice. Determination of sample using sample random technique and analyzed using descriptive analysis, this study conducted in the planting season of 2009, where in one year on average three times a growing season.
The result of the research show that based on the characteristics of farmers, most of the farmers are in the range of 59-70 years (48,48%). People with the main occupation as farmers are 26 people (78,79%), education as much as 51,52% while for the number of family burden largely amounted to 6 people and experinces using Ciherang 6-10 years (45,45%).
Based on land ownership, most are cultivators (75,75%) with farm size from 0,3 ha to 0,5 ha, respondent farmers cultivating rice three times a years with rice-paddy cropping pattern and the average rice yields from 6 to 6,9 ton/ha, behavior of farmers to seeds Ciherang seen from the reasons they chose Ciherang seed. The reasons they chose Ciherang based on the rice taste good, the result of high production, the selling price of grain, resintant HPT, marketing result, to hopefully get a seed and seed price