Abstract :
Syfa Nuraini (30613019) University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. The Effect of Application of Purchasing and Sales Accounting Information Systems on the Effectiveness of Cash Management. (Advisor: Dr. Darmo H. Suwiryo, S.E., M.M. and Ade Sudarma, SE., M.M.)
This study aims to determine the Implementation of Internal Audit of Local Finansial Management at BPKD Sukabumi. Variable used in this research is Effectiveness of Interenal Audit Implementation as Independent (X) and regional Financial Management as a dependent variable (Y).
The research methodology used is associative method with quantitative approach using ordinal scale. The population in this research is all employees of BPKD Sukabumi, while the sample used is 30 employees of BPKD Sukabumi. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data. From the results of questionnaires data that has been collected and then processed using SPSS 24 software consisting of validity test, reliability test, normality test, simple linear regression test, t test and coefficient of determination test.
The results showed that t test > t tabel (7,419 > 2,048) so that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, but also obtained the coefficient of determination R = 0.814 and magnitude Kd = 66.3%. This indicates that BPKD has implemented the internal audit implementation in the local financial management procedures well enough to minimize the possibility that it may cause harm to the internal audit in the future.