Abstract :
These things that have been explained are the reasons for making psychological tests in the form of applications that can be accessed on a computer, because this application can be used in communication devices such as computers, especially guided by teachers and parents.Hopefully this psychological test application will be made to facilitate students for IQ tests (ability / intelligence tests) and personality tests.At present, there have been several studies that discuss the application of psychological testing. However, the existing system has not adopted web and internet technology so that the system cannot be accessed by all parties but is limited to certain people. In addition, the procedures and displays used are still quite difficult to understand, especially for lay people who will access them.
In entering the world of education, especially in high school, prospective students are evaluated first by taking the entrance examination to set the level of student achievement during high school as students, so students can know their ability to understand the field of study that has been taken. If it turns out the results are not satisfactory or not optimal, then the learning process must be improved both in quality and quantity.Negeri 1 Cisaat High School is located on Jl. Veteran KM 3, Kab. Sababumi is one of the high schools in Cisaat, Sukabumi Regency. In this school the writer examines the problems that exist in the State High School 1 Cisaat. It requires a high cost for the psychological test process, the data sorting process takes a long time. Many errors in humans, resulting in high human error. Based on this, the authors are interested in taking the issue entitled: "Psychological Applications as supporting new students in Web-based Cisaat 1 High School" with qualitative methods and SDLC.