Abstract :
Factors that cause cracks in a building are chemical shrinkage. Chemical shrinkage or commonly called plastic shrinkage which is a change in the volume of paste during the hydration of cement. Water requirements for concrete mixes vary by brand of cement. This study aims to examine the chemical shrinkage of cement paste in 5 OPC type cement products namely SCG, Tiga Roda, Merah Putih, Gresik and Holcim with a comparison of cement water factors 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7. Shrinkage testing is carried out for 24 hours using the ASTM C1608-12 guidelines.
The results of this study indicate the shrinkage that occurs in 5 cement products with a ratio of cement water factors, that SCG cement has the highest shrinkage value of the cement products studied, namely cement water factor 0.5 with shrinkage of 0.064 mL / gram, cement water factor 0.6 with the shrinkage of 0.071 mL / gram and cement water factor 0.7 with the results of shrinkage 0.076 mL / gram. Whereas the results of mortar compressive strength from 5 cement products, the average compressive strength of cement water factor 0.5 is 333,908 kg / cm2, cement water factor 0.6 the average compressive strength is 254,924 kg / cm2 and cement water factor 0.7 with a compressive mean value of 188,848 kg / cm2. So with this it can be concluded that of the 5 OPC cement products have different characteristics, the greater the cement water factor, the greater the shrinkage produced. While the effect of cement water factor on mortar compressive strength is the lower the cement water factor the higher the compressive strength produced.