Abstract :
The research focuses on the relationship with the servicing arm muscle strength on volleyball on extracurricular student of SMK Harapan Bangsa Bojonghaur Year 2018/2019 due in accordance with the facts on the ground that many students who have not mastered the skill servicing over.
In this study, the authors use the method of research Correlational. Correlation or correlational study is a study to determine the relationship and the degree of relationship between two or more variables. The subjects were all students of SMK Harapan Bangsa extracurricular Bojonghaur Year 2018/2019 totaling 30 students.
The results research normality and homogeneity test calculation shows that the distribution of the data is normal and homogeneous variants. So that data can be processed further with parametric statistics. The research hypotheses were tested using analysis test, one lane at a significance level of 5%. Decision-making is based on the provision that if t> t table. Based on hypothesis testing using t test, it can be seen that tcount 3,846> t table 0.110. Thus the hypothesis reads: "There is significant relationship between the strength of the servicing arm muscles on extracurricular volleyball in SMK Harapan Bangsa Bojonghaur Sukabumi" be accepted.