Abstract :
Assyifa Hospital was established by Assyifa Foundation. In the beginning of it?s operation in 1967, Assyifa was operated as a clinic. After an approximate 10 years of operation, Assyifa became a maternity hospital, precisely in 1978. Due to the huge amount of need of public hospital in Sukabumi at the time, i 1988 Assyifa turned into the fisrt and the only one Private Public Hospital in Sukabumi city and regency referring to the Hospital Establishment Permit from Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia number 1179/Yanmed/RSKS/SK/1988.
The problem identified at Assyifa Islamic Hospital was factors that influenced job satisfaction of its employees, mainly the satisfaction on giving service to people. Such job satisfaction problem could presumably happen due to the factors of salary, working condition and environment that less satisfied the employees. The research was aimed at determining the amount of influence of salary, condition and working environment toward employee job satisfaction.
The reseach methods applied were descriptive and associative. The technique of analyzing data applied was Path Analysis test in order to measure the direct and indirect influence among variables.
Based on the result of the research, it is acquired that the influence of salary toward job satisfaction is amounted to 0.921 ; the influence of working condition toward job satisfaction is amounted to 0.861 ; the influence of working environment toward job satisfaction is amounted to 0.917 ; thus, the of influence of salary, working condition and environment toward job satisfaction altogether is amounted to 0.799, meanwhile the remaining of 0.201 is influenced by other factors excluded from the research. As a result, it can be concluded that the most dominantly influential factor toward job satisfaction is Salary.