Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Kurniawan, Dheana Chintia
HB Economic Theory
2019-04-10 04:25:23
Abstract :
PT. Federal International Finance (FIF) POS Sukabumi Branch is a company engaged in the field of leasing business. The problem identified was the decrement of customer?s repeat order interest.
The research was aimed at determining the influence of customer experience toward repurchase intention. The research methods applied were descriptive and associative. The technique of analyzing data applied was path analysis test in order to measuring the direct and indirect influence among variables.
Based on the result of the research, it is found that the direct influence of Sense toward Repurchase Intention is amounted to 3.7%, while the indirect influence through Feel is amounted to 4.9%; indirect influence through Think is amounted to -0.2%; indirect influence through Act is amounted to -0.4% and through Relate is amounted to -1.2%. Thus, direct influence of Feel toward Repurchase Intention is amounted to 19.3%, while the indirect inlfuence through Think is amounted to -0.39%; through Act is amounted to -0.8%, and through Relate is amounted to -2.7%. Direct influence of Think toward Repurchase Intention is amounted to 0.03%, while the indirect influence through Act is amounted to -0.03%, and through Relate is amounted to 0.11%. Direct influence of Act toward Repurchase Intention is amounted to 0.16%, while the indirect influence through Relate is amounted to 0.25%. Lastly, direct influence of Relate toward Repurchase Intention is amounted to 1.21%. Therefore, the total influence acquired is amounted to 23%, whilst the remaining 77% is influenced by other variables. The result of calculation for Hypothesis Test F table > F count is namely 7.414 > 1.84, so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. It means that there is positive and significant influence between customer experience toward repurchase intention; partial Hypothesis Test is Sense toward Repurchase Intention is 1.587 < 1.65744; Feel toward Repurchase Intention is 4.189 > 1.65744; Think toward Repurchase Intention is -0.142 < 1.65744; Act toward Repurchase Intention is -0.379 < 1.65744; < 1.66177; Relate toward Repurchase Intention is -0.968 < 1.65744 therefore, the dominantly influential variable toward Repurchase Intention is the research is Feel.