Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Prameswara, Mochammad Lutfy
HB Economic Theory
2019-04-10 04:30:21
Abstract :
PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk. Is a company engaged in teh sector of mining (natural stone, gas and oil) and located and headquatered in Jakarta, Menara Karya Lt. 7 Unit A Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok 85 Jav. 1 & 2. The problem identified at the company was the decrement of net income consecutively and ended with loss in the end of the period. The research was aimed at determining work-Capital analysis in measuring Profitability at PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk.
The reseach method applied was descriptive-quantitative, a research design arranged for describing systematically scientific information coming from subject of object of the research. Descriptive research, is focused on systematic explanation on facts acquired during conducting the reseach, while quantitative is defined as a reseach method that uses data is terms of numbers which is analyzed by statistic.
Based on the result of the reseach, by means of comparison on balance sheet and income statement, it is found that the descrement of net income in the income statement occured from 2011 until 2015, that the income underwent perpetual decrement, and the company gained loss in 2015.
The profitability level of PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk. experienced decrement of ratio ROI which of amounted to 8% of 23% in 2011 become 15% in 2012. In 2013, it decreased as much as 1% so it became 14% in 2014, it expeciences decrement asa much as 12% of 2%. Thus, in 2015, PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk. underwent decrement and ended in los amounted to 78%.