Abstract :
This research aims to improve speaking skills through the use of Sukuraga Wayang hand puppet media in fifth grade students of Pakujajar CBM in Sukabumi City. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) using the cycle model design of Kemmis and McTaggart. The research subjects were class V-2 students of SDN Pakujajar CBM, totaling 30 students. The research was conducted in two cycles which were completed with data collection in the form of observation sheets, test results, documentation and field notes. The results of the research on the pretest of students who obtained classical completeness of 17% or a number of 5 students increased and 83% or 25 students had not increased, in the first cycle which obtained 60% classical completeness or a total of 18 students and 40% or 12 students still had not increased (not completed yet) and in the second cycle obtained 90% classical completeness (27 students) and 10% or 3 students who had not reached KKM yet. The conclusion of this study is that the use of Sukuraga Wayang hand puppet media can improve the speaking skills of students in class V-2 of SDN Pakujajar CBM in the academic year 2018/2019.