Abstract :
The application of pleci bird is one of the information media that is shown to facilitate the public to find out about pleci bird disease, the history of pleci birds, pleci birds, and differences in male and female pleci birds. This research was made because people were confused when the pleci bird began to get sick so that the community could not cure the bird, the community also did not all know the types of pleci birds and the community also often confusion between male and female birds. Then an application was made to find out information and pleci bird disease so that the community knows more about bird remedies and that the information that has been provided in the application will be made. The stages of this research are starting from data collection, analysis, design, implementation, testing and finalization of the system. System design with Media Development Life Circle (MDLC) and display implementation using adobe flash CS6 as display and coding, and testing using the blackbox testing method. Results. From the test it can be seen that this application can function as it should. Besides testing the system, testing is also carried out by veterinarians who understand the types of bird diseases.