Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Safara’ul Fauzyah, Syahdarona Isnie
RT Nursing
2021-08-09 03:58:00
Abstract :
According to Smeltzer C Sunaze in Wijaya, and Putri (2013: 127) anemia is a term that indicates low hemotrocyte count and red blood cells below normal. The most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in Indonesia is the rupture of esophageal varices with an average of 40-50%, followed by hemorrhagic gastritis with 20-25% and peptic ulcer with 15-20% remaining malignancy, uremia and so on (Hilmy, 2010). The purpose of making this Scientific Writing is to describe the results of the application of nursing processes to patients undergoing treatment due to
anemic disease ec melena. The main complaint that arises in anemia is pale. Diagnosis that appears in Mr. A is a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, nutritional imbalances, and disturbances in sleep patterns. Therefore the role of nurses here is needed to meet the needs of clients by providing nursing care in accordance with the problem. Finding new problems that are not in accordance with the theory of sleep disorders. The most common nursing action performed on anemic clients is giving blood transfusion. This client has blood that is not suitable (inkom). Scientific Writing There are 3 diagnoses that can be overcome. Nurse support is needed when the action plan cannot be directly given to the client. The family as the main support for clients to cure illnesses suffered.