Abstract :
The research was aimed at measuring partially and simultaneously the influence of Emotional Value (variable X1) and Service Quality (variable X2) toward Customer Satisfaction (Variable Y) on Expedition Service of PT. DAKOTA Cargo branch of Sukabumi. The research methods applied were associative and descriptive Techniques of collecting data applied were observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and literature study. Techniques of analyzing data commenced from preparing, tabulating and testing the data by means of multiple correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, multiple linear regression, simultaneous hypothesis test (F test) and partial hypothesis test (t test).
Based on the data acquired from the analysis results, it shows that the multiple correlation analysis is amounted to 0.925. Meanwhile, the determination coefficient for Emotional Value toward customer satisfaction is amounted to 0.861, lower than that of service quality, which is namely 0.924. The determination coefficient is aggregated to 85,6% and the influence of other factors excluded from the research is aggregated to 14,4%.
The result of calculation of F test shows that F count > F table, namely 602.222 > 3.04, so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that there is positive and significant influence between emotional value and service quality toward customer satisfaction. According to the result above, the company shall be attentive on emotional value, service quality, and customer satisfaction in order to gain improvement. It is concluded from t test that emotional value (X1) does not positive and significantly influence customer satisfaction (Y) while service quality (X2) does positive and significantly influence customer satisfaction (Y).