Abstract :
WULAN SUCI ARIYANTI. 2019. The Impact of Government Aid toward Self- Reliance of Farmers in Chrysanthemum Flower Farming (Case Study : Floriculture Area at Langensari Village, Sukaraja District, Sukabumi Regency). Advised by Ema Hilma Meilani and Reny Sukmawani.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the impact of government aid on selfreliance of farmers as well and to find out about changes in terms of income of chrysanthemum farmers after receiving the aid from the government. The methods applied in the study were descriptive and quantitative analysis. The number of respondents studied was 43 farmers, taken by means of Simple Random Sampling technique. Data where analyzed by descriptive statistics and faired t-test using SPSS 16. The result showed that government aid has a less significant impact on the self-reliance of farmers in running chrysanthemum farming, because farmers in fact continue to carry out their farming independently despite the lack of aid provided by the government. Meanwhile, the aid from the government significantly affects farmers income, in which it increases after the aid is given by the government.