Abstract :
The research is entitled ?The Implementation of Indonesia?s Pilot Household Conditional Cash Transfers Program (PKH) at Department of Social Of Sukabumi Regency (Case Study at Cibadak. The research was aimed at describing the Implementations of PKH in Cibadak District, Sukabumi Regency. The research applied qualitative method. The technique of collecting data applied was interview. PKH Program is a social protections program which provides Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) towards Poorest Household (RTSM) in education and health sectors as a from of government?s social protection towards society. The general purpose of PKH is to improve the accessibility to the service of education, health and social welfare in sustaining the accessibility to the service poor society as well as their life quality. PKH is expected to decrease poor family?s expense in short term and poverty chain in long term. Thus, the research was aimed at fiding out how far the implementation process of the program had been conducted.
PKH assistants ahve been doing their jobs and functions. The implementation of PKH have been target-oriented. That is actually a from of proverty alleviation yet the whole society are not involved. Government has a significant role in providing minum aid for the society in order to achieve minum life quality. Therefore, the implementation of policy number 1 year 2018 needed to be questioned whether it had been implemented well and optimally or not.
Based on the result of yhe research on the field control towards PKH receivers has to be improved especially to students. Thus, the number of PKH receivers inn Cibadak district needs to be increased as several poor society have not received PKH aid. PKH assistants shall be added and coordination among institutions shall be improved.